Pornography of My Inner Universe
Currently under construction

Not A Single Word

By Wild Ice

There had been a lot of silent turmoil around The Circle this year (The Circle in here means my group of friends ever since high school which grew until today). There had been a lot of issues, a lot of arguments. But, most of them are not resolved through formal settlements.

December 26, 2009. The date was set to connect all the missing parts of this body to make it whole again. Everyone agreed to the date. It had been a tradition to meet up on that day to celebrate the holidays. The tables were set, all the foods were taken care of, greetings never vanished.

There was a slight anticipation about the conversation regarding the issues.

There was laughter, teasing, and a lot of laughter... We couldn't end the day (or shall we say night), not even a giant bottle of tequila could bring us down. We called it a day... prepared the beds, some left... we threw arms over each other...


Not a single mention regarding the issues we were supposed to talk about. Nobody dared to open (I slightly gave out a cue asking people what they want to say to the group... But no one ventured to let it our, not even me...).

An epiphany occurred to me: It is friendship. We all ought to talk about our shortcomings and misunderstandings and I have been, all this year, the one who would always come up usually in rage to confront people involved. But this day, we ought to shut up about it. We never let anything to ruin the evening. It was already a swell hell of a night. Through our actions and through our bonding, the understanding was there. What's best about this friendship is that what kept us bonded tight again is when we missed each other.

The problems we had with each other made us a tighter bond. Remember, tangled knots hold on to each other tight.

I guess that's the logic behind it. We don't need to entangle everything. We just had to understand. And I love that word which is applied to MOST of us: understanding. All of us are capable of understanding each other. Sometimes, instead of whining about in the group, we just need a moment of silence and space to realize our own faults if not how much we really need each other.

I don't know yet if this is true, but this text message I received months ago is quite interesting:

"Never explain; Your enemies won't believe you and your friends don't need it anyway."


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