The Devil Wears Nike
There I stood at the center of everyone trying to impersonate the Terror of the whole campus. And SHE WAS THERE, WATCHING ME while I claimed my IMPERSONATOR OF THE YEAR award that Christmas season. I tried what I could but I couldn’t move anymore—SHE WAS THERE!! She shook her head and told me that I was not good enough to impersonate her. Hehehe…
I made sure that I post this article, she’s out of my life. If you happen to know whom I’m talking about, she had been the topic of my blogs about agony when I was a college student whom I hid by the name of “Prof M” (Professor Mischievous). Being the most terror of all professors in the campus, she became our teacher for two years straight (she loves us, I guess)…
Under her, my classmates and I had gone through all challenges and grief as we strived for justice!----I mean freedom!---I mean for our grades and learning. Not a single day was spared for a little sermon. Everyday we hope that she would not arrive in our classroom or that she would not be late. It even came to a point that we were praying because we wanted the class to go well with her on that day. Some friendships were even tested. And even on stormy days, we were forced to go out of our houses to finish, print and bind our compilations for her because we were thinking that even if there is a suspension of classes, She might require us to pass her requirement (redundant?).
Another interesting fact about her is the way she dresses. There are only a few times she dressed well—and many a time she dressed to try hard to create some impression (bad impression is more how it seemed)… I can’t forget the outfit she once wore at the time she made almost all of us in class get out of the room for not being prepared enough: White shirt, long denim skirt with very high slits, and rubber shoes. I tagged her then as “The Devil Wears Nike”.
Her reminder: Be always prepared before you come to the classroom. We do our best to prepare but there are so many times that the topic which we expected to talk about on those days is not what she would discuss. And then there are times that she would become inconsistent of her statements (like when she said she had a photographic memory then she said after a few months that she doesn’t)… She was also the cause why people in our course would be seen running in the campus in haste. She would also be the reason why a huge crowd causes a hullabaloo and commotion over a sheet of paper for attendance.
Many stories are still not shared regarding this matter. But for now, let me end my article by saying that even if we had such fun and pleasant times with her, still we were able to learn things besides her lessons. I learned to be always prepared, and I believe in her training because it made me stronger because there can be such person as her in the outside world… So I know now how to deal with such creature—I mean person. I also learned why she required some stuff for us—that those things are either for our own good or for her ease when she grades us (techniques we teachers could also use). So, okay, yeah, she was good in some sense. But the agony usually dominates our memory about her.