Pornography of My Inner Universe
Currently under construction

Introduction: St. Loco

By Wild Ice
I didn't know how it happened. I just suddenly woke up facing a class filled with curses-I-don't-want-to-mention-yet students. Here I am: an adviser of the next worst section in the whole first year batch. Before, there was the other section, but now, I figured, and probably so as the other teachers, that My section is becoming the breakthrough worst section for this batch. Before, other teachers would tell me that it's part of the culture of the past batches of my section (let's call it by the name of St. Loco) that it's the noisiest section ever. And my batch lives on with the legacy.
From the first week I've already seen their 'potentials'. Now, they are on their peek by having almost ALL of the staff, personells and faculty members recognize their inconvenient attitudes. There had been a lot of shortcomings from my St. Loco.
But not only are they capable of creating the loudest noise in the classrooms and corridors, the members of St. Loco are even giving me feedbacks from their teachers about their incompetence and irresponsibility. Only a few of them (can be counted by the fingers of my left hand) are active during class. The rest: ZEROOOOOOOOO!!!
Everyday is Sermon Day. I even came to a point of not talking to them and only communicating through writing. Then I came up with new houserules--which are actually becoming more and more effective!!! But the thing is, once I leave them, they're back with their horns and tails.
Then, this Friday during mass, they made a lot of scenes; a lot of hurting each other, creating noise during the quietest part of the mass, unnecessary glances--and take note: WE WERE AT THE FRONT SEATS OF THE CHURCH!! I was fuming up.. I wanted to throw anything onto them and shout at them but I couldn't because:
1. We're in a church
2. We're close to the microphones of the choir.
So I released all of the bad energy while we were in the classroom and I was on the verge of violence. They heard me yell at the top of my lungs (but it was not my peak since I was trying to control my temper because once I get really really mad, I could really create chaos). I even gave them the idea how bad I could behave once I reach my boiling point (nope, that's not my boiling point yet!! I haven't thrown anything at them or hurt them). But of course, anger management is a must.
I'm a teacher.
But they deserve the terror I gave. AND the punishments...

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